How to Pick a Painter | Next Door Painting Tips

How to Pick a Painter

How to Choose an Austin Paint Contractor for Your Home?

When considering which contractor to utilize, be sure to do or determine each of the following:

  1. Talk with several Austin contractors and get quotes from each. Ask about insurance.
  2. Determine what will be done for each type of area
  3. For exterior work, what will be done to protect plantings? For interior work, what will be done in regards to moving and/or protecting furniture?
  4. When will the work be started? Finished? How many painters will be working on the job? What will the remedy be if the job is not completed on time?
  5. What is the warranty on the work? What is the length of time, the type of failures covered, and the remedy if there is a paint failure?
  6. Get names of previous customers from each contractor as references, and contact them to get their recommendation.
  7. Note whether the contractor was courteous and business-like, punctual with appointments or in returning phone calls, quality-oriented, experienced, and generally interested in doing business with you.
  8. Ask if the business is an accredited member of the local BBB
  9. Is the warranty located on the written agreement or simply a verbal warranty?
  10. How large is the initial deposit requested? (anything over 20% is a red flag)
  11. Does the company have a positive online presence?