REO Painting
REO & Rental Proporties Painting
If you are an investor and have just purchased a REO (real-estate owned) property, give Next Door Painting a call.
We know what it takes to make a rental property profitable. We work with investors and real estate agents. We have the knowledge, skill and experience to help you maintain, rent or flip – sell a property.
We have a great deal of experience working with investors and home owners looking to rent their properties in a timely manner. We can help you rent, sell or flip your property-house fast.

Our Prep & Paint REO and Rental Properties System:
We can have your property/house prepped, painted and ready for rent or sale in as little as two to three days.
Next Door Painting knows the needs of real-estate investors. We understand the Austin real-estate market and have long-term relationships with senior real-estate professionals.
We know what it takes to make a property – house stand out and get noticed in this market.
Next Door Painting Goal Meeting
To agree on a plan that will meet your project goals
Rental house prep & process
We use our Next Door Painting 6-step process for interior and exterior painting
Final property meeting
To inspect and review the property/house
House ready for rent or sale
Property/house is placed on the rental or sales market